
Written By: Daniel Gluska

The more I try to fight past reality, the more it fights to become me. Seeking to change me is what keeps the same. The more i try to let go, the more I hold on. Change, I think is in my hands. Yet, the more I try to change, the more it’s all the same. Poor little me doomed to never change. Everything arises from within, and yet I have no control. I am change, life is change, the only constant, the experience of I. Letting go of attempting to grasp and I’m finally free. Flowing with change, I am one with the dynamic experience of life. The universe changes through us because it is us. The change I want comes when I listen to the universe’s flow through me in the here and now.

2 thoughts on “Change

  1. So I guess ‘self’ is the notion that you’re something separate, acting upon and being acted upon by the universe, ‘Karma’ would be ‘self-as-action’, the definition of self as a locus of individual volition, with the reaction of ‘vipaka’ serving to further delineate the apparent borders of self/other.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yea lol. It’s the game of living on two levels. Alan watts beautifully talks about this. My mind was exploding with ecstasy and awe as I read and reread what you wrote and then had to read it out loud. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Can you please honor me with sharing some of your favorite books on wisdom and spirituality. Thanks. Much love.🤗


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